Learn the basics of choosing oils to support your health and practical applications for using essential oils. We will discuss diffusion, steam inhalation, personal inhalers, compresses, and massage oils and what oils you might choose for different applications.
June 13, 2015 @ 10:00-12:00
$25 if paid in advance, $5 Discount for Herb of the Month Club paid members, $30 if paid at the door.
To register and pay in advance please go to
All classes are at Omaha Whole Living
521 N 33rd Street
Class is taught by Kate Bodmann, RH (AHG), RA
Kate is a local Clinical Herbalist and Aromatherapist who owns Land of Milk and Honey Herbs. She is passionate about sharing herbal knowledge with those who are interested in taking a more active role in their health and wellness.
She runs the Facebook group called Land of Milk and Honey Herb of the Month Club to assist people in beginning to learn how herbs might work for them. Each month she highlights a new herb and writes an educational newsletter. The group is free but paid members also get the corresponding herbal tincture for that month’s herb.
She provides classes, consultations and custom formulations to help her clients meet their health and wellness goals.