Hello! I'm Nicole Saggese. I am a certified Emotion Code Practitioner, Professional Wellness Astrologer, and I have a Bachelor's in Behavioral Science.

I am extremely passionate about working with emotions!

I love helping others connect with and heal their emotions so that they can work toward their greatest good, missions, or goals.

I use the practice of the Emotion Code healing to identify and release trapped emotions. Emotions are energy, and carry vibrational waves, just like everything else in the universe. Our emotions can become trapped if we do not process them correctly. Trapped emotions can block us from our highest good, cause physical pain, stress, anxiety, fear etc.

Emotion Code healing is completely non-invasive. I do not need to know your personal business, why, or what happened to you unless you choose to disclose that information.

To learn more about the Emotion Code healing process visit: www.sageastrologyandwellness.com/emotion-code-sessions

To book a session visit:


To contact me email: sageastrologyandwellness@gmail.com